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June Montgomery, January 1 2025




How are you feeling about this new beginning? Are you planning to usher in something new into your life? I believe that a new year is certainly time for something new and also a time for reflection. Are there any changes you desire to make that would improve your quality of life? In 2024, did you give your time and energy to activities that did not bring you joy? If so, your first goal might just be to rid yourself of these things. Let them go! Life is too short to waste precious time—time that we cannot get back! Maybe this is the year for you to become more productive by setting goals that you have been ignoring. You become productive when you effectively achieve your goals. There is so much joy in a sense of accomplishment. It’s nothing like accomplishing an important goal and saying, “I DID IT!” Living intentionally can improve your health by reducing stress and contributing to a sense of overall well-being. You are actively shaping your life with purpose and awareness.

Here are six habits that I have long included in my life. Adding these habits to your day can improve your quality of life. You will discover a life that is more fulfilling, productive, efficient, and meaningful.

1. Start your day with prayer and/or meditation. Begin your day by feeding your soul and heart. It sets the tone for your entire day.

2. Read every day—15-30 minutes a day. Read something to inspire, motivate, or educate—

My personal choice is non-fiction books… You make your own choice, but read. My middle school students would ask me: “How many days I need to read?” I would respond calmly, “Not a lot! Just read only on the days you eat.” It would take them a minute to get it!

3. Hydrate yourself daily—drink your water first thing in the morning and carry a water bottle throughout the day—if you’re dining out, think about ordering water for your beverage.

4. Practice active listening—focus on being fully present in conversations. Listen! Try not to think of how you are going to respond. Just Listen!

5. Let go of any anger—Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy or run around in your head rent free! If someone did you wrong, forget about it and move on.

6. Focus on Gratitude—I have kept a gratitude journal for years—I write in my journal every night before going to sleep. Sometimes when I begin to write the things of which I am grateful, I can’t stop! There is so much for me to be thankful for in my life, Everyday! “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” —Melody Beattle

Happy 2025!

One in love and music,


Written by

June Montgomery