June Montgomery, March 3 2025


Through the years, I’ve noticed how some people visibly become upset when something does not work out the way they thought it would for them. I am no different. In the past, I have found myself in the same predicament. These experiences vary:

I am sure that you can add to these experiences. Disappointing experiences are not germane to any one person in particular; at some point in time of our lives, we all experience these tough times. 

The troubling experiences in our lives, most of the time, usually do not reveal the reason, so the only thing we can think to do is worry and wonder why it happened. I’ve always wanted to know the why. We ponder because the reason is elusive, but do we really need to know why? I don’t believe we do. We may ask ourselves, why did it not work out for me, but I don’t believe that it is necessary to burden ourselves with the why. Is there a better way of handling these moments? I certainly believe there is.

Please allow me to offer a different perspective. Try thinking of the losses/disappointments this way. Maybe, just maybe that particular thing that did not work out in your favor actually was in your favor. Was it something not meant for you? Was it something that would probably not bring joy to your life? Maybe you can see these times as something that is protecting you from the unknown—something that may not add to your growth or hold you back from reaching your goals. I believe the word “acceptance” should penetrate our minds during these times—accepting that the perceived loss is NOT for you. I admit, that this is not an easy thing to do, but it is worth the effort. Accepting that there is something better on the way develops a sense of peace, so don’t worry! Don’t even question it! Let it go! I believe that something better is right around the corner, for sure.

Maybe you are able to see the experience as something that went unexpectedly well for you instead of something that went wrong, but at the time, the reason is not evident. During these times in your life, just wait a little while. I believe the reason will reveal itself, and you will breathe a sigh of relief. You may find yourself saying, “Thank you!” I can honestly say that this is the way these experiences have been for me, especially after growing and learning and becoming a little wiser in the way I respond to these matters when they occur, and when they do, I cease with the worrying. I’ve actually found that the perceived losses I have experienced have truly been blessings for me. Now, when these disappointments arise, I just say my two favorite words, “Oh well.” To me, these two words express acceptance of a situation that didn’t turn out as I had hoped but isn’t worth getting upset about it. To me, these words convey a sense of moving on without dwelling on the outcome. In the total scheme of things, Life goes on.

Today, when I occasionally find myself reflecting on a particular loss, I also find myself smiling and feeling very thankful. Again, losses clear the path for something better or offer a lesson that maybe we would not have learned otherwise. In the end, you will discover that, “IT’S ALL GOOD,” and you can fly on like an eagle


Written by

June Montgomery