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June Montgomery, October 1 2024


Have you stopped working towards something you have always wanted to do and just given up? If you have given up, the reason is simple.Your WHY is not strong enough to keep you going. It’s not strong enough to motivate you! You see, your WHY is your purpose! Once you know your WHY, you won’t need to worry about the HOW! The HOW will take care of itself, and the WHY will keep you moving forward; it will sustain you.

Richard Bach: You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however."

I know my WHY! I know why I was put on this earth. I was created to sing and teach, and I have spent many years doing both! I’m currently in the process of writing a book about how I have managed to merge two entirely different careers—successfully, I might add. Now, I seem to pay more attention to time. My time. Time has become most important to me! It’s important for me not to waste it! It’s important for me to get up each morning and get to work! Daily, I try to make productive use of my time. You must make the best use of your time, too, because once time is gone, it’s gone. You cannot get it back ever again. So work to accomplish your goals! Don’t give up on your dreams! Get it done!

Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” 

Final guiding points:

Twirl this around in your head:
Having a dream is better than having it come true.

One in love and music,


Written by

June Montgomery

Older Benefits of the New - Introduction